ALL THE FUEL, ALL THE TIME. Detects contamination infestations in all hydrocarbon fuels and oils.
EASY-TO-USE. Simply draw 3 samples of fuel from different depths of your tank and use the HUM-BUG kit to test for infestation.
AFTER IDENTIFICATION. Utilize BIOBOR JF to address contamination issues in fuel tanks, eliminate infestations, and enhance fuel performance and engine condition.
Early detection of contamination can prevent fuel tank corrosion and the clogging of vital fuel systems components
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SAVE TIME & MONEY. Detects the signs of infestations issues early, eliminating down time and costly repairs.
DETECTS. Highly effective detection kit to identify infestation growth in fuel.
HUM-BUG = Hydro-carbon Utilizing Microbes
Recommend use of BioborJF with Hum-Bug to ensure the highest level of fuel quality is maintained in your tank